Senior Lecturer
Área of Signal Theory and Communications
Contact information
+34 986 818 674
Short CV
Education: Telecommunications Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – UPM, 1992) and PhD in Telecommunications Engineering (UPM, 1996), specialised in Digital Signal Processing. She actually enjoys a teaching position at the Universidad de Vigo. Previously, she held teaching positions at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Valladolid and Universidad Europea de Madrid, and research positions at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Laboratorio Oficial de Metroloxía de Galicia. She has taken part in 21 research projects with public founding, three of them with European founding, and over 20 research projects with private founding. She is author or co-author of 14 international journal papers, 44 international conference papers, 1 book chapter and 1 patent. Research interests: Digital Signal Processing of audio and acoustics. Microphone arrays. Audio coding. Multichannel audio. Underwater acoustics