Busto, L., Veiga, C., González-Nóvoa, J.A., Campanioni, S., Juan-Salvadores, P., Jiménez Díaz, V.A., Baz, J.A., Alba-Castro, J.L., Kütting, M., Íñiguez, A.,
Automatic Assessment of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Results on Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography Images Using Artificial Intelligence
Bioengineering, 10(10): 1206, 2023 | DOI

Piñeiro-Martín, A., García-Mateo, C., Docío-Fernández, L., López-Pérez, M.d.C.,
Ethical Challenges in the Development of Virtual Assistants Powered by Large Language Models †
Electronics (Switzerland), 12(14): 3170, 2023 | DOI

Porta-Lorenzo, M., Vázquez-Enríquez, M., Pérez-Pérez, A., Alba-Castro, J.L., Docío-Fernández, L.,
Facial Motion Analysis beyond Emotional Expressions
Sensors, 22(10): 3839, 2022 | DOI

Campbell, E.L., Mesía, R.Y., Docío-Fernández, L., García-Mateo, C.
Paralinguistic and linguistic fluency features for Alzheimer's disease detection
Computer Speech and Language, 68: 101198, 2021 | DOI

Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L.
Analysis of gender and identity issues in depression detection on de-identified speech
Computer Speech and Language, 65: 101118, 2021 | DOI

Costa-Pazo, A., Pérez-Cabo, D., Jiménez-Cabello, D., Alba-Castro, J.L., Vazquez-Fernandez, E.,
Face presentation attack detection. A comprehensive evaluation of the generalisation problem
IET Biometrics, 10(4): 408-429, 2021 | DOI

Martins, I., Carvalho, P., Corte-Real, L., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Texture collinearity foreground segmentation for night videos
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 200: 103032, 2020 | DOI

Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Peñagarikano, M., Rodriguez-Fuentes, L.J., Moreno-Sandoval, A.
Search on speech from spoken queries: the Multi-domain International ALBAYZIN 2018 Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection Evaluation
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2019(1): 13, 2019 | DOI

Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Montalvo, A.R., Ramirez, J.M., Peñagarikano, M., Rodriguez-Fuentes, L.J.
ALBAYZIN 2018 spoken term detection evaluation: a multi-domain international evaluation in Spanish
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2019(1): 16, 2019 | DOI

Magariños, C., Erro, D., Banga, E.R.
Language-independent acoustic cloning of HTS voices
Computer Speech and Language, 55: 168-186, 2019 | DOI

Martins, I., Carvalho, P., Corte-Real, L., Alba-Castro, J.L.
BMOG: boosted Gaussian Mixture Model with controlled complexity for background subtraction
Pattern Analysis and Applications, 21(3): 641-654, 2018 | DOI

Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Proença, J., Perdigão, F., García-Granada, F., Sanchis, E., Pompili, A., Abad, A.
ALBAYZIN Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection 2016 evaluation
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2018(1): 2, 2018 | DOI

Martín, A.P., García-Mateo, C., Docío-Fernández, L., Regueira, X.L.
Study on the impact of the training corpus of the language model on the performance of a speech recognizer [Estudio sobre el impacto del corpus de entrenamiento del modelo de lenguaje en las prestaciones de un reconocedor de habla]
Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, 61: 75-82, 2018 | DOI

Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., García-Mateo, C., Fairhurst, M.
Introducing an approach for writer recognition based on the i-vector paradigm
IET Biometrics, 6(3): 191-199, 2017 | DOI

Lopez-Otero, P., Magariños, C., Docio-Fernandez, L., Rodriguez-Banga, E., Erro, D., Garcia-Mateo, C.
Influence of speaker de-identification in depression detection
IET Signal Processing, 11(9): 1023-1030, 2017 | DOI

Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Serrano, L., Hernaez, I., Coucheiro-Limeres, A., Ferreiros, J., Olcoz, J., Llombart, J.
ALBAYZIN 2016 spoken term detection evaluation: an international open competitive evaluation in Spanish
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2017(1): 22, 2017 | DOI

Magariños, C., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Rodriguez-Banga, E., Erro, D., Garcia-Mateo, C.
Reversible speaker de-identification using pre-trained transformation functions
Computer Speech and Language, 46: 36-52, 2017 | DOI

Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C.
Ensemble audio segmentation for radio and television programmes
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(5): 7421-7444, 2017 | DOI

Santos-Domínguez, D., Torres-Guijarro, S., Cardenal-López, A., Pena-Gimenez, A.
ShipsEar: An underwater vessel noise database
Applied Acoustics, 113: 64-69, 2016 | DOI

Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C.
Comparison of ALBAYZIN query-by-example spoken term detection 2012 and 2014 evaluations
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2016(1): 1-191, 2016 | DOI

Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C.
Finding relevant features for zero-resource query-by-example search on speech
Speech Communication, 84: 24-35, 2016 | DOI

Rehm, G., Uszkoreit, H., Ananiadou, S., Bel, N., Bieleviciene, A., Borin, L., Branco, A., Budin, G., Calzolari, N., Daelemans, W., Garabík, R., Grobelnik, M., García-Mateo, C., van Genabith, J., Hajic, J., Hernáez, I., Judge, J., Koeva, S., Krek, S., Krstev, C., Lindén, K., Magnini, B., Mariani, J., McNaught, J., Melero, M., Monachini, M., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Ogrodniczuk, M., Pezik, P., Piperidis, S., Przepiórkowski, A., Rögnvaldsson, E., Rosner, M., Pedersen, B.S., Skadina, I., De Smedt, K., Tadic, M., Thompson, P., Tufis, D., Váradi, T., Vasiljevs, A., Vider, K., Zabarskaite, J.
The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level
Language Resources and Evaluation, 50(2): 351-374, 2016 | DOI

Teijeiro-Mosquera, L., Biel, J.-I., Alba-Castro, J.L., Gatica-Perez, D.
What your face vlogs about: Expressions of emotion and big-five traits impressions in youtube
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 6(2): 193-2056977907, 2015 | DOI

Mera Iglesias, M., Aramburu Núñez, D., Del Olmo Claudio, J.L., López Medina, A., Landesa-Vázquez, I., Salvador Gómez, F., Driscoll, B., Coolens, C., Alba Castro, J.L., Munõz, V.
Multimodality functional imaging in radiation therapy planning: Relationships between dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI, and 18F-FDG PET
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2015: 103843, 2015 | DOI

Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C.
Assessing speaker independence on a speech-based depression level estimation system
Pattern Recognition Letters, 68: 343-350, 2015 | DOI

Tejedor, J., Toledano, D.T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C., Cardenal, A., Echeverry-Correa, J.D., Coucheiro-Limeres, A., Olcoz, J., Miguel, A.
Spoken term detection ALBAYZIN 2014 evaluation: overview, systems, results, and discussion
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2015(1): 21, 2015 | DOI

Castán, D., Tavarez, D., Lopez-Otero, P., Franco-Pedroso, J., Delgado, H., Navas, E., Docio-Fernández, L., Ramos, D., Serrano, J., Ortega, A., Lleida, E.
Albayzín-2014 evaluation: audio segmentation and classification in broadcast news domains
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2015(1): 1-933, 2015 | DOI

Peso Parada, P., Cardenal-López, A.
Using Gaussian mixture models to detect and classify dolphin whistles and pulses
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(6): 3371-3380, 2014 | DOI

Otero-Millan, J., Castro, J.L.A., Macknik, S.L., Martinez-Conde, S.
Unsupervised clustering method to detect microsaccades
Journal of Vision, 14(2): 1-17, 2014 | DOI

Landesa-Vázquez, I., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Double-base asymmetric AdaBoost
Neurocomputing, 118: 101-114, 2013 | DOI

Pinto-Coelho, L., Braga, D., Sales-Dias, M., Garcia-Mateo, C.
On the development of an automatic voice pleasantness classification and intensity estimation system
Computer Speech and Language, 27(1): 75-88, 2013 | DOI

Sobreira-Seoane, M.A., Cabo, D.P., Jacobsen, F.
The influence of the group delay of digital filters on acoustic decay measurements
Applied Acoustics, 73(9): 877-883, 2012 | DOI

Argones Rúa, E., Alba Castro, J.L.
Online signature verification based on generative models
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 42(4): 1231-12426178810, 2012 | DOI

Rua, E.A., Maiorana, E., Castro, J.L.A., Campisi, P.
Biometric template protection using universal background models: An application to online signature
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 7(1 PART 2): 269-2826020788, 2012 | DOI

Landesa-Vázquez, I., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Shedding light on the asymmetric learning capability of AdaBoost
Pattern Recognition Letters, 33(3): 247-255, 2012 | DOI

Teijeiro-Mosquera, L., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Performance of active appearance model-based pose-robust face recognition
IET Computer Vision, 5(6): 348-357, 2011 | DOI

Campillo, F., Banga, E.R.
Multiple f0 contour parallel Viterbi search for unit selection speech synthesis
Electronics Letters, 47(16): 937-938, 2011 | DOI

Mato-Méndez, F.J., Sobreira-Seoane, M.A.
Blind separation to improve classification of traffic noise
Applied Acoustics, 72(8): 590-598, 2011 | DOI

Campillo, F., Nozhov, I., Banga, E.R.
Segmentwise unit selection
Electronics Letters, 47(9): 569-570, 2011 | DOI

Rodríguez-Molares, A., Sobreira-Seoane, M.A., Martín-Herrero, J.
Noise variability due to traffic spatial distribution
Applied Acoustics, 72(5): 278-286, 2011 | DOI

Degara, N., Davies, M.E.P., Pena, A., Plumbley, M.D.,
Onset event decoding exploiting the rhythmic structure of polyphonic music
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 5(6): 1228-12395771974, 2011 | DOI

Poh, N., Chan, C.H., Kittler, J., Marcel, S., Mc Cool, C., Rúa, E.A., Alba Castro, J.L., Villegas, M., Paredes, R., Štruc, V., Pavešic, N., Salah, A.A., Fang, H., Costen, N.
An evaluation of video-to-video face verification
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 5(4): 781-8015580093, 2010 | DOI

Ortega-Garcia, J., Fierrez, J., Alonso-Fernandez, F., Galbally, J., Freire, M.R., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J., Garcia-Mateo, C., Alba-Castro, J.-L., Gonzalez-Agulla, E., Otero-Muras, E., Garcia-Salicetti, S., Allano, L., Ly-Van, B., Dorizzi, B., Kittler, J., Bourlai, T., Poh, N., Deravi, F., Ng, M.N.R., Fairhurst, M., Hennebert, J., Humm, A., Tistarelli, M., Brodo, L., Richiardi, J., Drygajlo, A., Ganster, H., Sukno, F.M., Pavani, S.-K., Frangi, A., Akarun, L., Savran, A.
The multiscenario multienvironment biosecure multimodal database (BMDB)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(6): 1097-11114815263, 2010 | DOI

de Gispert, A., Iglesias, G., Blackwood, G., Banga, E.R., Byrne, W.
Hierarchical phrase-based translation with weighted finite-state transducers and shallow-n grammars
Computational Linguistics, 36(3): 505-533, 2010 | DOI

Capdevila, M., Márquez Flórez, O.W.,
A communication perspective on automatic text categorization
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 21(7): 1027-10414752825, 2009 | DOI

Guerrero-Curieses, A., Rojo-Álvarez, J.L., Conde-Pardo, P., Landesa-Vázquez, I., Ramos-López, J., Alba-Castro, J.L.
On the performance of kernel methods for skin color segmentation
Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009: 856039, 2009 | DOI

Argones-Rúa, E., Alba-Castro, J.L., García-Mateo, C.
On the use of quality measures in face and speaker identity verification based on video and audio streams
IET Signal Processing, 3(4): 301-309, 2009 | DOI

Díaz, F.C., van Santen, J., Banga, E.R.
Integrating phrasing and intonation modelling using syntactic and morphosyntactic information
Speech Communication, 51(5): 452-465, 2009 | DOI

Rúa, E.A., Bredin, H., Mateo, C.G., Chollet, G., Jiménez, D.G.
Audio-visual speech asynchrony detection using co-inertia analysis and coupled hidden markov models
Pattern Analysis and Applications, 12(3): 271-284, 2009 | DOI

González-Agulla, E., Otero-Muras, E., García-Mateo, C., Alba-Castro, J.L.
A multiplatform Java wrapper for the BioAPI framework
Computer Standards and Interfaces, 31(1): 186-191, 2009 | DOI

Alba-Castro, J.L., González-Jiménez, D., Argones-Rúa, E., González-Agulla, E., Otero-Muras, E., García-Mateo, C.
Pose-corrected face processing on video sequences for webcam-based remote biometric authentication
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 17(1): 11004, 2008 | DOI

González González, M., Rodríguez Banga, E., Campillo Díaz, F., Méndez Pazó, F., Rodríguez Liñares, L., Iglesias Iglesias, G.
Specific features of the Galician language and implications for speech technology development
Speech Communication, 50(11/12/2021 0:00): 874-887, 2008 | DOI

Campillo, F., Van Santen, J., Banga, E.R.
Combining phrasing and unit selection in intonation modelling
Electronics Letters, 44(7): 501-503, 2008 | DOI

González-Jiménez, D., Argones-Rúa, E., Alba-Castro, J.L., Kittler, J.
Evaluation of point localisation and similarity fusion methods for Gabor jet-based face verification
IET Computer Vision, 1(03/04/2021 0:00): 101-112, 2007 | DOI

González-Jiménez, D., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Shape-driven gabor jets for face description and authentication
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2(4): 769-780, 2007 | DOI

González-Jiménez, D., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Toward pose-invariant 2-D face recognition through point distribution models and facial symmetry
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2(3): 413-429, 2007 | DOI

Otero-Muras, E., González-Agulla, E., Alba-Castro, J.L., García-Mateo, C., Márquez-Flórez, O.W.
An open framework for distributed biometric authentication in a web environment
Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications, 62(01/02/2021 0:00): 177-192, 2007 | DOI

Cardenal-López, A., García-Mateo, C., Docío-Fernández, L.
Weighted Viterbi decoding strategies for distributed speech recognition over IP networks
Speech Communication, 48(11): 1422-1434, 2006 | DOI

Alexandre, E., Pena, A., Sobreira, M.
On the use of 2-D coding techniques for ECG signals
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10(4): 809-811, 2006 | DOI

Campillo Díaz, F., Rodríguez Banga, E.
A method for combining intonation modelling and speech unit selection in corpus-based speech synthesis systems
Speech Communication, 48(8): 941-956, 2006 | DOI

Alexandre, E., Pena, A., Sobreira, M.
Low-complexity bit-allocation algorithm for MPEG AAC audio coders
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 12(12): 824-826, 2005 | DOI

López, D.P.-P., García Mateo, C.
Topic verification for dialogue systems based on Bayesian hypothesis testing
Electronics Letters, 41(21): 1196-1197, 2005 | DOI

Martín-Herrero, J., Ferreiro-Armán, M., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Grading textured surfaces with automated soft clustering in a supervised SOM
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3212: 323-330, 2004 | DOI

González-Jiménez, D., Alba-Castro, J.L.
Frontal face authentication through creaseness-driven gabor jets
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3212: 660-667, 2004 | DOI

Rodríguez-Liñares, L., García-Mateo, C.
Application of fusion techniques to speaker authentication over IP networks
IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 150(6): 377-382, 2003 | DOI

Rodríguez-Liares, L., García-Mateo, C., Luis Alba-Castro, J.
On combining classifiers for speaker authentication
Pattern Recognition, 36(2): 347-359, 2003 | DOI

Quercia, D., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C., Farinetti, L., De Martin, J.C.
Performance analysis of distributed speech recognition over IP networks on the Aurora database
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 4: 3820-3823, 2002 | DOI

Prelcic, N.G., Pena, A.S.,
Adaptive tiling of the time-frequency plane with application to multiresolution-based perceptive audio coding
Signal Processing, 81(2): 301-319, 2001 | DOI

González-Castaño, F.J., García-Palomares, U.M., Alba-Castro, J.L., Pousada-Carballo, J.M.
Fast image recovery using dynamic load balancing in parallel architectures, by means of incomplete projections
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 10(4): 493-499, 2001 | DOI

Rodríguez-Liñares, L., García-Mateo, C.
Phonetically trained models for speaker recognition
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(1): 385-389, 2001 | DOI

Alba, J.L., Pujol, A., Villanueva, J.J.
Novel SOM-PCA network for face identification
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4479: 186-194, 2001 | DOI

Abreu-Sernández, V., García-Mateo, C.
Adaptive multi-rate speech coder for VoIP transmission
Electronics Letters, 36(23): 1978-1980, 2000 | DOI

Alba, J.L., Docío, L., Docampo, D., Márquez, O.W.
Growing Gaussian mixtures network for classification applications
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